
It's 76 Degrees Today

Photo taken last year at the Wild Seed Farm. I can't wait to go back when everything is in bloom!

I love days like today. San Antonio Springs are truly the greatest. I know it's technically not spring yet but it's acting like it outside my window right now. It's making it really hard to focus on things that I need to get done. I had a couple ideas that I wanted to post about today, but I can see that it's just not going to happen. I'm to busy day dreaming about fun Springtime activities. Like picking strawberries, heading out to the coast or just spending time at the pool. I'm spending nap time today out on my patio practicing some embroidery. Not necessarily for anything in particular. I just want to do something creative and spend time in the warmth of the sun. Maybe I'll have something more exciting for you tomorrow. Today though is calling for me to be a little lazy.

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