So grateful for Christmas, Christmas Jammies & these two wee littles.
I was supposed to have a hot date with the Mister to Urban Taco and Les Mis tonight but someone called in sick to the restaurant so here I sit in front of my computer. My baby boy (who isn't really a baby anymore) is asleep in the next room & Miss. S is watching The Incredibles for the time being allowing me a few minutes to quietly reflect on the passing year. Every year has it's trials and it's joys. This one seemed to be one of extremes. I read back to last year's New Year's post and a couple of the lines stuck out to me. It said "2012 looks to be better. Still hard. But better At least the struggles I see on the horizon in 2012 will all be to better our little family." Indeed this ended up being the truth. It was a hard year but it was the best year. Great things happened for us!
I don't really make resolutions. Someone put a status on Facebook today that said something to the effect of if you're waiting for New Year's to make a change, you've got it all wrong. I kinda agree. You can make a change at anytime of the year. I do however have a New Year's tradition of choosing a word for the coming year. A word to keep in the back of my mind as I go through out the year. Last year my word was Action. I'll tell you more about that tomorrow though. As far as words go that was the perfect choice for 2012. This year I've decided to go with Gratitude. I really want to concentrate on being a more grateful person. To give thanks more. To make the people in my life feel more appreciated. To remember all my blessings daily. Especially the small and simple things that make life beautiful. I haven't always been the type of person to express my gratitude well. I feel it in my heart but have a hard time showing it. This year I plan to show my gratitude daily.
Choosing a word of the year has really been an amazing experience for me. Each year I've learned something new about myself and grown as an individual. I'm really excited for this upcoming year and what it has to bring! I'm off now to celebrate this holiday of staying up late to play Spot It and drink hot cocoa with my favorite little lady. I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's and what ever your tradition may be (resolutions or other) I hope you have an excellent 2013!