
September Salads: Weekend Update

Day 24, 25 & 26: SICK SICK SICK!!!
Day 27: Romaine, pears, craisins, candied almonds, gorgonzola & poppy seed dressing.
Day 28: Romaine, tomato, red bell pepper, cucumber, avocado, croutons & homemade balsamic vinaigrette.

Oh I was sick this weekend. So so sick. So I didn't really feel like eating anything at all let alone salads. Oh well! I'll make up those days the first few days of October. I jumped right back into things with a delicious salad yesterday. I was actually trying out this recipe that I found on Pinterest. I was so excited to try that dressing recipe because I had a lot of luck with the last dressing I had made. It was just not for me at all. Oh well you win some you loose some. It was still a great salad with the poppyseed dressing on it. Even Denny loved it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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